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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Long Beach Comic and Horror Convention

Okay, yes, I know, I suck at social media. It's not surprise, though. I check emails and respond to fans and friends alike on a more personal level, but when it comes time to logging on, liking, following, messaging, joining pages, and being actively involved every minute of every day on the million sites, I just suck at keeping up. I even don't get on this blog as much as I should.

Anyway, I just wanted to get that out of the way to explain my absence to the world. Well, I do kinda have an excuse and that is I have been working away at the second draft for book 3. It's coming along nicely! That's so great of you to ask! :)

So with work, book 3 and all the other stuff in between I've been busy...but not too busy to talk about something super important that's coming up....and that is THE LONG BEACH COMIC AND HORROR CONVENTION taking place on November 23rd and 24th! That's 2 days of hanging out with fantastic authors like myself and awesome illustrators like +michael boyajian, who, yes, will definitely be there a matter of fact he and I will be sharing a booth and will be having TONS of goodies to give away!

I know what you're thinking..."I don't live anywhere near Long Beach, CA." Answer: Road Trip! Plane ticket! Bus ticket! Hitchhike! Whatever it takes...I guess we'll see how much you really like me...(seriously though, don't go poor or get killed hitching to get there- there will be other conventions)

Or maybe you saying to yourself, "I want to go, but it's like $25 for a pass!" Answer: It's ONLY $25 for a single day pass and discounted if you go both days, and even cheaper if you go just Sunday!!! That and there's SO MANY can come hang out with me, physically "like me" in person, walk away from my booth with a sh*tton of goodies and giveaways, and even some free candy, yes, delicious-buy-your-love, candy. I'm keeping the grand prizes and best giveaways under wraps, so come!!!

You're probably thinking some other stuff too, but my mind reading is slowing down- I need breakfast. So I think that's about it for now, but get your passes and come have a fun weekend with me!!

Yours truly, world,


Oh and if you're looking for some good zombie/horror reads, check out these friends of mine...
+J. Cornell Michel
+Zombie Fighter Jango
+Phillip Tomasso

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