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Monday, March 21, 2016

Apocalypse Ethics Part Deux

As promised, here's part two on my apocalypse ethics conversation (with myself)

The link will take you to Zombie-Guide Magazine and after you're finished reading my nonsense, definitely stick around and check out some more zombie related awesomeness!


Anyway, hope you enjoy....

Actually before I go, just a quick little news update about A.S. Thompson....SOMETHING AWESOME is coming your way in the form of a short story. It's probably going to be ready for the world around May so keep checking back here for more updates. I will say it's not zombie-related and it is, in fact, a love story, but hey, zombie authors can write other shit too, right?

I love the story and I'm positive the world will enjoy it too because it's not your average love story :)

That's all for now, but stick around.

Thanks world,

Monday, March 7, 2016

Zombies Again

Short and sweet.

So I'm back in zombie land. Well, only for a little. I'm working on a couple other non-zombie projects (don't hate me).

Buuuuuuut I did want to get back to one of my favorite pastimes and that's working with the awesome people like +Frank Diepmaat over at Zombie Guide Magazine.

So, I took a little break from my world and wrote a article, well, the first of a two-parter.

Entitled, Apocalypse Ethics, it covers what we do about our family and friends when it comes to zombie-survival.

I'll post the link below. Hope you enjoy!

Click here for the link!

Catch you in a bit, world.
