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Thursday, November 28, 2013

LB Comic and Horror Con, and oh, Happy Thanksiving

Alright, so I'm finally getting to this...a few days late, but whatever, I've been busy...

So, the Long Beach Comic and Horror Convention was last weekend. +michael boyajian and I hit the con hard, bringing books, posters, cards and some other goodies to giveaway.- maybe next year we'll even dress up...cos play they call it?

Being my first convention ever- going or having a booth- it was interesting. There was decent traffic, although, if I had one criticism, it's that it wasn't as geared toward should have just been labeled as LB Comic Con only. I mean, there were some horror booths, writers and zombies crawling around but mostly it was comics. Whatever, end of the day it was exposure, right?

But if one of you curious cats were to ask me "Hey Thompson, what was the biggest and best highlight of the convention?" To that I would reply, "Well, Curious Cat, I'm glad you asked....randomly walking around the convention was none other than writer +Jonathan Maberry (his work has been a huge influence on my writing). And more than that, he stopped by the booth and took the time to hang out with Mike and I! Whaaaaaaaat?!?!!? Ya, that happened! Maberry was informative, helpful and just a super cool dude!

So, all in all the weekend was a success. I met a ton of great people, made helpful contacts and new friends and even had the pleasure of fellow Severed Press author +mwgarza  making an appearance! Thanks man! And check his stuff out if you haven't.

Now today is Thanksgiving, and it only feels right to take a second and say THANK YOU to all those who purchased books or otherwise supported me- both at the convention and since the inception of my first story. It's a really cool feeling, and I'm grateful to have you as fans and friends as you are who make writers a success, and it's your support that allows us to continue to do what we enjoy doing.

So have a happy, happy Thanksgiving (even if you don't live in the US). Eat, drink and tell your family and friends how much they mean to you. Tell a stranger hi, give a lil something to someone less fortunate and be happy to be alive.

See ya,


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